Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pickles and What?

Well as many can surmise, in the house of tomatoes, there is always something a little unusual lurking around the next corner. Here is what little bunny FuFu made herself for breakfast this morning..(she actually declared it last night while being tucked into bed). Pickles, Pretzels and Salami...Hummm sodium, sodium and a little more sodium on the side. Now that is a breakfast. Who needs sugar cereal when you can have SALT.

1 comment:

Aus said...

Wow - parent of the year - roses and pickles....electic....have you found that inspiration you were seeking? ;)

"Back in the day"....when our now 27 year old son was about 4 or so - a pie pan, raisn bran cereal, and pickle juice for breakfast....and yeah .... the thought still gags me today! ;)

hugs - aus and co.