Friday, September 5, 2008

Home Study is DONE!!!

the trees grew
they were harvested
the paper was made
they used the paper to write the home study
and it is DONE!!!!!

All in a record breaking 8 weeks!!!!
Three cheers to Across the World Adoptions in Pleasant Hill CA.
They did it in half the time of our 2006 Home Study.

Next step...the dreaded I800. Let's hope they can use recycled paper to write their authorization. Right now they appear to be taking 3 months to produce their approval. If this is the case we will be lucky to be DTC by the end of the year.
Well, I am a lucky person and after all do have a daughter called lady luck should be on our side ...right?


Duchess of Lanier said...

On behalf of all of us already waiting...
Welcome to the I800A line. Your file will be reviewed in the order it was received. We have no idea when your file will actually be reviewed. But we have already deposited your check. Thank you for paying another government fee. Please feel free to press any numbers you choose while you wait, but none of them will help. Thank you for calling.
And... Congratulations!!!

Mommy said...

I left you a questions on RQ. Would you mind filling me in on the discussion you had about sending the i800a to Chicago?
