Monday, September 8, 2008

Words of Wisdom from the Southern Duchess...

We are about to enter the US governments infamous "twilight zone" also known in circles of prospective adoptive families as I800 Zone. I am filling out the paperwork today.

In the words of a wise Southern Duchess who so kindly (spoken with my best southern drawl) posted on the sight....."WOO-HOO!!!On behalf of all of us already waiting... Welcome to the I800A line. Your file will be reviewed in the order it was received. We have no idea when your file will actually be reviewed. But we have already deposited your check. Thank you for paying another government fee. Please feel free to press any numbers you choose while you wait, but none of them will help. Thank you for calling.And... Congratulations!!!" Duchess this post made me split a gut laughing....I just had to share :-)

1 comment:

Duchess of Lanier said...

And you must know that if we were allowed to save seats, you'd be right up here a week or so ahead with me!

Hugs and hugs!

That was my Delta flight attendant voice used in that last comment. Oh, and no extra charge for the different accents used ;)