Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our referral photo (s)

Hua Hong - Changzhou SWI Jiangsu province (3 hours outside of Shanghai)- a half the sky orphange - we are very lucky that he is in such a nice facility. MeiMei was in a half the sky facility (in Wuzhou, Guangxi )and it was very clear she was well taken care of during her first couple of years.
We hope to have him home before the end of October. We first saw his adorable face in November of 2007 (yes that was almost two years ago) We are one of the first hague families to go through the process and have been a guinnea pig for many of the challenges that come with being a leader of the pack. Two agencies later and lots and lots of hurdles we are coming close to the finish line --- I can see the light of at the end of the tunnel.


Yoli said...

He is ADORABLE!!!! Congratulations!

Research-China.Org said...

Congratulations on your referral!! When you are ready to get his finding ad (plus some color photos we also have!) come visit us at www.research-china.org.

We hope you have a speedy trip to China!


Kayce said...

What a handsome guy! Congratulations!!

Donna said...

What a sweetie! I hope he's home soon!

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

kitchu said...

so happy for you- he is absolutely adorable!

Marjo said...

I 've seen those pants before. My son was wearing them like many other Changzhou kids. And that little kitchen, I've seen that with my own eyes....:)Hope you will be able to vist the SWI. Bring him home soon!!


Allison said...

He is beautiful! Congratulations. We just received PA for our little boy in China although we still have quite awhile before we'll travel. Can't wait to follow your journey.

Duchess of Lanier said...

Checking in hoping to see a TA update ;)
Happy Summer!